

( ̄(エ) ̄)彡☆

Mac OS Xの10.8.2、Xcode4.5がリリースされました。



Retina Displayに対応
$ rake retina=4   # starts the 4-inch simulator (iPhone 5)
$ rake retina=3.5 # starts the 3.5-inch simulator (iPhone 4S and older)

Device Debugが可能に
$ rake simulator debug=1
$ rake device debug=1

‎= RubyMotion 1.24 = 

* Added support for the GM version of the iOS 6 SDK.
* Added support for the iPhone5 architecture (armv7s).
* Added new values for the `retina' option of `rake simulator': `3.5' (for
iPhone4) and `4' (for iPhone5). A `true' value will default to `3.5' in
case the simulator target is lesser than 6.0, otherwise, `4' will be used.
* Added debugging support (experimental) for both simulator and device.
Simply set the `debug' parameter to any value to attach the debugger
(ex. `rake debug=1' for simulator and `rake device debug=1' for device).
The Ruby code compiles with relevant DWARF metadata and the debugger
used is gdb. Note that the debugger experience is a work in progress and
will be significantly improved in future releases.
Check out http://www.rubymotion.com/developer-center/articles/debugging
* Fixed the `development' mode to not compile with LLVM optimizations. This
results in faster compilation times and also better debugging support,
but the code might run a bit slower. The `release' mode builds with the
entire optimization passes.
* Added to the build system the `mode' option which can be used to specify
the build mode, either `development' (default) or `release'. You can now
test your app in release mode by using `rake mode=release' for simulator
and `rake device mode=release' for device.
* Fixed the build system not to execute the user-defined application setup
block twice, which is no longer necessary with the new `mode' option.
* Removed the `archive:development' and `archive:release' tasks which are
no longer necessary with the new `mode' option.
* Added the `archive:distribution' task which builds an .ipa with distribution
settings (certificate, default entitlements, symbols stripped).
* Fixed `rake spec' to produce an .app bundle that uses a different bundle
identifier than the regular app. This is necessary in Xcode 4.5 to avoid
simulator installation issues.
* Fixed a bug in the simulator launcher when output to stdout would not be 
displayed in case the rake process was piped to another process
(ex. `rake spec | ...').
* Added the Dispatch.once method, which wraps the dispatch_once() function,
that can be useful to implement singletons. Usage: Dispatch.once { ... }.
* Added support for `define_method'. Like `attr_*', it cannot be used to 
overwrite existing Objective-C methods due to limitations of the compiler.
* Fixed a bug when converting Bignum objects into 'long long' types.
* Fixed a bug in the build system where relative source paths pointing to the
parent directory would not properly be expanded and would trigger build
* Fixed several bugs in String#% related to arguments and precision format.
* Improved String#[]= performance. 50 times faster.
* Improved String#length performance with multibyte characters. If String
includes multibyte characters, its length will be cached and reused.
500 times faster.
* Improved String#reverse performance with ASCII-compatible string. 30 times
* Improved Fixnum/Float modulo performance. 2 times faster.
* Fixed memory leaks in String#{reverse, reverse!}
* Fixed a bug when calling a method on an uninitialized Regexp object.
(ex. Regexp.allocate.to_s).
* Fixed a bug when calling NSArray#flatten(level) with 0.
* Fixed bugs in NSArray#rindex, NSArray#values_at, NSArray#values_at,
NSDictionary#values_at and Kernel.#sprintf which could raise uncatchable
* Fixed a bug in Dispatch::Source.timer which couldn't handle the
Dispatch::TIME_FOREVER constant for interval.
* Fixed a bug in NSArray#delete_if where nil could not be returned if the
receiver did not change.
* Added the following methods: NSArray#rotate, NSMutableArray#rotate!,
NSMutableArray#sort_by!, NSMutableArray#select!, NSMutableArray#keep_if,
NSMutableDictionary#select!, NSMutableDictionary#keep_if.



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